
What Seniors in Retirement Need to Know About Their Existing Life Insurance

Apr 11, 2023

Life settlements are the sale of an existing life insurance policy for more than the cash surrender value and less than the death benefit. Anyone age 65 or older who has developed health issues since their policy was issued and owns a universal life or convertible term insurance policy has a high probability of benefiting from selling their policy. Policies with a death benefit of $250K or more can qualify. Younger policy owners with serious chronic illnesses can also explore the life settlement option.

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Life Settlements: How to Avoid the #1 Most Costly Mistake

Mar 16, 2023

Responding to online advertising and generic value calculators can mislead client expectations. Many things in life rarely come about; when this happens, the average person doesn’t have the knowledge to make a good decision. This can be true for financial professionals and consumers alike. Understanding life settlements is one of those things. Where do advisors and consumers go to find the answers to questions about life settlements?

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Get Your Tax Planning Checklist for Existing Life Insurance Policies

Mar 16, 2023

Ashar Group has created a special checklist for tax season that helps you conduct a new and timely discussion that strengthens your current relationships and opens the door to new ones. Most tax practitioners are unaware that existing life insurance policies can provide a value significantly higher than the cash surrender value offered by the issuing insurance carrier.

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Life Insurance Valuation - Early Detection Checklist Protects Client Best Interest

Feb 22, 2023

Over time, the need for life insurance coverage naturally changes. While life insurance can sometimes be the largest asset a client owns, it’s rarely reviewed for fair market value like other assets, including real estate, art, and jewelry. This results in clients making uninformed decisions, missing lucrative planning opportunities, and paying unnecessary premiums.

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Maximizing Life Settlement Value Through a Policy Auction

Jan 24, 2023

Life insurance can be the largest unmanaged asset a client owns. Policy owners allocate significant liquidity on an ongoing basis, often long after they transition out of the original need that the policy was put in place to protect. Discussing the opportunity to take an illiquid asset and monetize it when clients are going through a financial transition, whether to fund business, retirement, long term care or charitable endeavors, can be a powerful client conversation.

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Independent Representation - the Cornerstone of a Successful Life Settlement

Nov 09, 2022

Halloween is behind us and many of you may have walked through a corn maze with your children or grandchildren at a local pumpkin patch. You may have found that maze easy to navigate, but how do you navigate through the confusing maze of life settlement information to help your client monetize their policy for […]

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Create Cash Flow for Today's Planning Needs

Aug 25, 2022

Don't lapse unneeded life insurance. Exchange existing policies for cash you can use for other areas of planning. A life settlement will always result in more than the cash surrender value. That means more money for planning and less worry about funding the next phase of your life.

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Life Settlements: Speed Comes with Some Inherent Risk

Jul 08, 2022

Moving too fast in life settlements comes with some inherent risk for you and your clients. If your client is involved in a life settlement process that emphasizes speed, then you might suggest that they tap the brakes and determine if they are sitting on the wrong side of the negotiation table.

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We're Big Fans of Using the "F" Word. Fiduciary.

Feb 17, 2022

The only way an advisor can ensure their clients get an accurate valuation of their existing life insurance policy (and the best value if a life settlement option is chosen), is by partnering with a life settlement resource that has a fiduciary duty to protect the best interests of the policy owner/seller.

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Gray Divorce is on the Rise

Oct 21, 2021

Divorce rates are on the rise - but not among younger couples, as one might expect. Instead, the increase is among couples who are ages 50 and older. According to the US Census Bureau, divorce rates among adults ages 55 to 64 are about 43% and have increased since the 1990s.

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