get a secondary opinion®

Let’s talk a minute about the benefits of fair market value. Let’s say you owned a nice wooded lot that was considered a valuable piece of real estate. Would you simply forget about it and go about your business as if it never existed? Or give it away for a mere fraction of what you knew it was worth? Of course not. Yet, when it comes to life insurance policies, most people let their policies lapse or surrender without checking to see what they might worth on the secondary market. In fact, more than $90 billion of term policies available on people 65 and older today are being significantly undervalued.

So what determines fair market value of a policy? First, consulting with a Secondary Market Broker can offer the support advisors and their client’s need who are not familiar with the Life Settlement Process. For example, the Ashar Group has something called a SMV®, Secondary Market Valuation. The SMV® generates a variety of competitive bids from many different institutional buyers who are showing interest in the policy. If it is a favorable option for the client, a Secondary Market Broker can help negotiate with providers to determine the fair market value of the policy through this efficient and exhaustive process that takes all factors into consideration. Because of this competitive bidding process, The fair market value can be worth up to 7 times the value of the policy at face value, offering the policy holder a compelling reason to proceed with the Life Settlement process.

If you think it would be prudent for your client to pursue a life settlement, then talk to a secondary market specialist. You can also go to to take the first steps in determining if a policy may qualify for a life settlement. It only takes a minute, and it could help generate the short-term liquidity today that some many people are looking for to help alleviate financial stress in these economic times.